
Doggy quote of the month for March

This month's quote is from renowned author, Mark Twain

Harry Maclary’s 40th Anniversary

NZ Post is poised to issue a series of commemoratives to mark the 40th anniversary of the release of Harry Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy, a Kiwi classic children's story. Can you guess which character is Sox's favourite?

Why I chose pet insurance

Every dog is different and so too each owner's financial situation. In this post, I share my reasons for choosing pet insurance.

Love and our dogs

It's Valentine's Day and so, in my column for February, I discuss love and our dogs - and the research which shows that our love has a biological and evolutionary basis.

Doggy quote of the month for February

The quote of the month comes from Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology and writer about the intelligence and mental abilities of dogs

My friend Spot

Spot was a very special dog. I didn't 'own' him, but I loved him as if he was my own. Spot passed away two weeks ago after a short and sudden illness. This is his story.

Impact of stress, temperament on working dogs to be explored in new research

A new research grant given to Colorado State University will fund a pilot study aims to measure the Allostatic Load (AL) of dogs, which is understood as the ‘wear and tear’ on the body due to chronic or frequent stressors. Labradors, both pets and working dogs, will be used in the study.

Saving money on dog care

In this blog post, I share my tips on how to save money for your dog's care without sacrificing quality.

Doggy quote of the month for January

The quote of the month for the New Year is a good one from a senior dog's point of view

One year on

Today is the anniversary of Izzy's passing. In this post, I share my thoughts and a poem about pet loss.

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Doggy Mom
The blog about everything dog

I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month