
More dogs in the neighborhood often means less crime

If you want to find a safe neighborhood to live in, choose one where the residents trust each other – and have a lot of dogs to walk. This study adds another reason why dogs are good for us.

More than 90% of Workers Want Pets Allowed in the Office

A survey out of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shows that office workers overwhelmingly want pet friendly offices. I agree!

Doggy quote of the month for July

“Pets are filling the void created by social decay after technology atomised us, divided us, and sowed social distrust.” -Mark Cushing, author of Pet Nation

Text Message Reminders Show Promise in Encouraging Kids to Play with the Family Dog

I find it sad that we now have to remind children to play with the family dog - and via text message! But I suppose it is a sign of changing times and priorities and at least there is research to back it up...

Bergie’s blog

Bergie, a special black greyhound who was Izzy's boyfriend for many years, passed away last week. This post is to share my memories of him and why he was special.

A glimpse into the dog’s mind: A new study reveals how dogs think of their toys

When dogs play with a toy, even just briefly, they pay attention to its different features and register the information using multiple senses, finds a new study.

Dogs inhale new immunotherapy to fight lung cancer

In the first-of-its-kind Phase 1 clinical trial, 21 pet dogs of various breeds that had metastatic lung disease resulting from osteosarcoma or melanoma were treated with protein interleukin-15 (IL-15).

Scent dogs detect coronavirus reliably from skin swabs

A recent study by the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital confirmed that scent detection dogs can be taught to identify individuals with a coronavirus infection from skin swabs. In the experimental set-up the accuracy of the dogs in identifying the samples was 92 percent.

Life of Riley dog beds

In the June edition of NZ Dog World, I speak to the new owners of NZ dog bed company Life of Riley. I highly recommend these wool dog beds because they are supportive of the joints and naturally deter dust mites.

Doggy quote of the month for June

The quote of the month is from Dr Sophia Yin, a pioneer in low stress handling.

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Doggy Mom
The blog about everything dog

I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month