
My calendars

Each year, I have new calendars for my office and kitchen. Not surprisingly, these calendars feature dogs. I discuss my choices of calendar in this blog post.

Doggy quote of the month for January

The doggy quote of the month for January 2021 is from Bob Barker, game show host and animal rights advocate.

Reflections on 2020, Covid-19, resilience and our dogs

My final blog post for 2020. Dogs have played a huge role in the global pandemic and they have taught us much.

Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in healthy adult dogs

This is research from North Caroline State University. By understanding normal patterns of sleep, we can better understand the impact on a dog's health from pain and disorders such as canine cognitive dysfunction - which can interrupt sleep. Sleep is very important for health!

Izzy’s thank-you Christmas message

Izzy has just sent a Christmas message to Trevor, giver of many egg cartons...

Training methods based on punishment compromise animal welfare

Dogs trained using aversive stimuli, which involve punishments for incorrect behavior, show evidence of higher stress levels compared to dogs trained with reward-based methods says a new study. Added evidence of why you need to look for Free Free trainers!

A Safer Way to Train Detection Dogs

Training detection dogs with real hazardous substances can be inconvenient and dangerous. Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have discovered ways of infusing a jello-like substance with odours of controlled substances which are much safer for the dogs.

Showered with Love

Spot has been coming to visit us for daycare, and he's left his mark...

Pets, touch and Covid-19: why our furry friends are lifesavers

Researchers at the University of South Australia have published a paper about why pets have been so important during the Covid-19 pandemic: they provide us with the needed sensation of touch and they also need touch...

The Top Dog Film Festival

My report on the 3rd annual Top Dog Film Festival is published in the December issue of NZ Dog World. Izzy and Spot had front row seats for this dog-friendly event.

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Doggy Mom
The blog about everything dog

I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month