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In the March edition of NZ Dog World, I profile the PhD research of Erin Jones who is investigating the choices people make for their dog's training
In Part 3, I discuss the importance of weight management with tips and tricks to help dogs lose weight. Dietary changes are almost always required but that does not necessarily mean that you must feed a diet dog food.
In Part 2 of my blog series, I discuss the difference between pain and discomfort and the importance of recognising both in our dogs
In Part 1 of my blog series, I discuss the aging process and how time can get away from you when your dog is aging faster than you are.
Stuff reporter Maddison Northcott and photographer Alden Williams stopped by our greyhound doga class. Great story!
Our greyhound doga class featured on Newshub tonight
Izzy, my greyhound, has begun to use a pram on some walks. In this post, read about my plan for a series of posts about dog ageing, arthritis, and senior dog care.
In the summer edition of Pet Life NZ magazine, I explore the world of dog-friendly dining and come up with a short list of things to look for when dining out with your dog.
In the second part of my interview with Michele of the Dogs of New Brighton, I explain more about Fear-Free techniques, the legal standings in NZ of physical therapy or 'physio'; we also talk about The Balanced Dog's birthday club, dog cakes and standards for responsible dog ownership.
In the first of a two-part interview with Michele Hollis of Dogs of New Brighton, I answer her questions about Jess the Dog's massage, my professional training, and how I started my practice in dog massage and rehab.
I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month